Saturday, 16 April 2011

Nepal, IBA, Feb 7 - 9, 2011

H.E. Khenpo Appey Rinpoche left the world peacefully on 28 Dec 2010. The 'fire-puja' took place on 7th Feb 2011. How do you say "See you next time, Rinpoche," to such a great being like no other.

Singapore, 11 Oct 2009

IBA, 7 Feb 2011

East: His Holiness, Asanga Rinpoche, Dorje Dempa Rinpoche
Vajrayogini Fire Puja

North: H.E. Ratna Rinpoche, Gar Shabdrung Rinpoche, Sonam Tulku
Hevajra Fire Puja

West: H.E. Luding Khenchen Rinpoche, Phende Rinpoche, Thartse Rinpoche
Mahavairochana Fire Puja

South: H.E. Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche, Tarig Rinpoche
Vajrasattva Fire Puja

Arrival of Rinpoche's sacred Kudum

Installing Rinpoche's holy body into the stupa

His Holiness and all other Rinpoches circumbulating the stupa

Commencement of the Fire Pujas

Just like Rinpoche's quiet and absolute dignity, he left the stupa in a clean mode.
The internal of the stupa was clean when the pujas ended.

Stupa entrance sealed and covered with 5-colored cloth.

None of us expected Rinpoche to leave any special physical relics as
Rinpoche was known to discourage disciples from being attached to them.
However at dawn, the next morning after the fire pujas, there were some
pretty cloud formations in the western direction, Swayambhunath, which is considered
holy spot of Manjushri in Nepal.

Since Dharmakaya is everywhere, and Nirmanakaya will appear in whatever form required
to benefit beings, thank you Rinpoche, for this essential Dharma teaching on impermenance.
We miss you and may you swiftly take a supreme human form to guide us again and again.

 tashi chokyi

Pilgrimage Nepal 2010: IBA, Swayambhunath, Pharping Sep 2010

His Holiness and Gyalyum Kusho-la made this trip to see Ven. Khenpo Appey Rinpoche after giving the 2010 Lamdre teachings in France.They stayed at IBA.

Newari ladies at tea-time in IBA, waiting to receive blessings from His Holiness

Kathmandu Valley, sitting on 2 fault lines

Blessing Kathmandu

At H.E. Tsulshik Rinpoche's new monastery, Swayambhunath

Sparkling Water Fountain

Young Tarik Tulku on his11th (Tibetan) Birthday, offering the Three Symbols,  
Mandala and Khatag to His Holiness, Pharping

Tea Offering, Pharping

Monlam Pilgrimage 2009 - 50th Anniversary, Narayanthan

Narayanthan, retreat place of late Chogay Rinpoche. This locality, in the north-west of Kathmandu, is one of the holy places of the previous Buddha Krakuchand.

Retreat House of late Chogay Rinpoche

Nepal female stone-carriers

Do a little prayer for me

Small Water Catchment

View of stupa and nunnery on the other hill

A single flower

Almost there

Lama said "Very near," fifteen minutes ago.

The spot to build a new 108 feet tall memorial stupa of late Chogay Rinpoche and new retreat centre.

Cowherd lady watching over one cow (not in pic)

Friendly faces

Tree marking our pilgrimage Dec, 2009

photos by tashi chan

Monlam Pilgrimage 2009 - 50th Anniversary, Tashi Rabten

25 November 2009, Tashi Rabten Monastery of Jamchen Lhakhang, Lumbini